About Me and Mum’s the Boss

Hi, my name is Debbie O’Connor.

Headshot of Debbie O'Connor

You will find a summary of the products and services I offer on Pensight

I’ve been a stay-at-home mum since I became pregnant with my daughter in 2002.  I have done voluntary work, some part-time work and I have also run a portfolio of home businesses.

I have also cared for both of my parents, until my mum passed away and my dad moved into a care home. I have dealt with big mental health issues in my close family and also my husband’s redundancy, not to mention the dreaded menopause and all things COVID. All of these storms have changed me, and the more I look around me, I see that I am not alone.

Now I am on a quest to rediscover me – a person who got lost over the last few years, as I have had to care more for other people. I have realised that self care is the most important care of all.  It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, but just a few minutes a day taking care of your own needs, equips you better for taking care of everyone else’s needs too.

The role of mother in the modern world is one that we probably did not imagine when we were growing up, or even when we planned our first pregnancy. When you ‘have a baby‘ you take on a whole lot more.

It’s a lot more complicated now that women can ‘have it all’.  We juggle careers, businesses, caring for children and parents, some with additional needs. Some of us homeschool, others do voluntary work or campaign for issues that are important to them.  So many choices and so many plates to keep spinning.

After my own seven year period of turbulence, I don’t want to just talk to the mums running home businesses any more.

I want to reach out to all the mums, whatever you are the Boss of.  


So what is happening on Mum’s the Boss blog now?

It’s amazing how things can change when you are a mum.

When I started blogging I had two small children just starting primary school.  Now they are both at university and everything has changed.

I had to take a hiatus from the blog for a while due to personal reasons. What I thought was going to be a quick break turned into a bit longer than anticipated. Now I’m back and a lot of things are different.

Mum’s the Boss started out as a site about Mums working from home – and in a way it still is.  But that’s not what you guys are reading any more.  So I’ve changed direction a bit recently, paying attention to statistics about which of my blog posts are getting the most attention nowadays.

I’m writing to a slightly different mum because I have become a slightly different mum.  You can see what the main differences are in my blog – So what is Mum’s the Boss All about.

if you want to contact me, you can find me in the following places

by email : debbie@mumstheboss.co.uk

Instagram (my main channel) @mumsthebossblog

Pinterest @mumsthebossblog

Twitter @mumstheboss

Facebook: @mumstheboss

Or if you like what you see, please join the Mum’s the Boss mailing list using the form below. You will receive occasional tips about how to pick your business and keep it running smoothly, but also how to manage your time, cut your stress, declutter your surroundings and your headspace, eat healthily and keep yourself basically fit – in short how to find time to do all the things that need to be done, so that you can make time for the things that inspire and uplift you.

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